The Bible Correspondence Course is an excellent way to learn more about the Bible. It is not difficult to find the answers since all of the answers are found in the Bible.
To learn more about the Bible and how it affects your life, consider ordering the course as one way of gaining knowledge about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, how to become a Christian, and how to live each day as a Christian. You will be glad you did.
The material is designed for you to seek the answers from the Bible. You draw your own conclusions about what the Bible says, or does not say, on a given topic.
You can participate in this course in the privacy of your home. No one will call you or visit you without your permission. Our only contact with you will be by mail and/or email.
To request the free Bible Correspondence Course material, send an email to the email address shown below. In the "Comments" section, enter "Send me the correspondence course." Make sure you give us your mailing address.
The course materials will be sent to your home. You will complete each lesson and return it with your responses. After the lesson is scored, it will be returned to you to keep. Then, another lesson will be mailed. You can stop the course at any time without any obligations.
TO ORDER the correspondence course, click on the link below to send an email request, and include your name and address: (You may need to Copy and Paste this email address to your email app.)
Your email address and mailing address will remain confidential and will not be used for any other purpose. Your information will not be shared with anyone else without your permission.