Pine Lane Church of Christ


Faith, Hope, Love

I Corinthians 13:13

Narrow is the Way

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:14)


The Pine Lane church of Christ welcomes you to our web site. We are located in the Birmingham – Bessemer - Hoover areas of Alabama. If you are visiting in the area, or passing through, please take time from your journey to come to one of our services. If you live in our area, we ask that you consider worshiping with us on a regular basis.

The Pine Lane church of Christ is a group of Christians who follow Christ in name, in doctrine and in faith. We try hard to maintain the identity of the church established in New Testament times even though our members live in the modern age. We turn to the Bible for answers on how to become a Christian, how to live a Christian life and how to worship God as a Christian.

The Pine Lane church of Christ is undenominational which means we are not part of any other religious organization. We are non-institutional which means we do not own, support, or finance any health, social, or charitable oriented institutions. We are independent which means we are not under any local, regional, or national headquarters arrangement.

Feel free to browse through our web site. If you have a question or comment, please contact us.


Our Meeting Times:

Bible Study:  9:10 AM
Worship:  10:00 AM
Evening Worship:  5:00 PM

Bible Study:  7:00 PM 

Streaming Services:
Click a link below for a Live Stream session:

YouTube Live Stream

Scripturetalk Live Stream

Facebook Live Stream


Children at Pine Lane - April 2024

(Photo by James Roy)

Children at Pine Lane - August 2018

(Photo by James Roy)